Being a drama teacher myself for the past eighteen years, I have led a nearly impossible and never-ending search for quality plays and musicals for my various classes and community theatre groups with whom I work. On my bookshelf, I have every play catalog available. But like many teachers and directors I need well-written plays for thirty or more actors.
For many years, I read about eighty plays a year trying to find material. Out of those eighty plays, maybe ten were suitable for my needs. Maybe! So, one day, I decided to use my writing talent to create plays that would satisfy my needs perfectly. I wanted quality . . . manageable lengths . . . adjustable numbers of characters . . . strong audience draw . . . etc.
The plays have been so successful in Northern California that I thought I could help other schools and theatre groups in the U.S. and around the globe to enjoy the same success - whether small or large, tightly financed, with experienced or first-time actors!